If I untick the last, missing, one (as advised on another site) I get an error 'Runtime Error 424 - Object Required. Missing: Microsoft Windows Common Controls 0 2.6.0 (SP4).If I then click 'OK', 'Run and then 'Reset' I can view the available librarys and those that are ticked are :
The first error I get when running it is 'Compile Error Can't Find Project or Library'. If Not Application.Intersect(Range('A9:A28,A34:A53'), Target) Is Nothing ThenĬalendar1.Left = Target.Left + Target.Width - Calendar1.WidthĬalendar1.Top = Target.Top + Target.HeightĮlseIf Calendar1.Visible Then Calendar1.Visible = False Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) I have recently moved to Excel 2011 (mac) from Excel 2007 (PC) and the date picker part of my spreadsheet will not work. I am a complete novice with excel, macros and VBA, but by borrowing ideas and finding scripts from various sources I have been able to put together an expenses spreadsheet for my business that works as I want it to. This is my first post and I hope someone can help me.